For Referring Professionals

Before establishing Nielsen Franchise Law as a solo practice to focus on advising prospective and current franchisees throughout the United States, Ashley Nielsen represented franchisors and franchisees in her law firm franchise law practice for more than six years. From that experience, Ashley knows that franchisees often ask for help from other professionals in finding a trusted legal advisor to represent their interests. She welcomes inquiries from attorneys, franchise brokers, and other professionals who provide referral assistance to new and existing franchisees.

Ashley’s background advising both franchisors and franchisees in complex transactions provides her with valuable insight into the franchise relationship, as well as in-depth familiarity with franchise documents, including FDDs and franchise agreements. Her experience also includes working with franchise brokers, financial professionals, and others involved in the franchise process. In representing prospective and current franchisees, she respects the franchisor – franchisee relationship and the franchisee’s relationship with the referring professional.

For franchisees, Ashley Nielsen provides a broad range of services, from review of the initial FDD and franchise agreement, to navigating other legal issues that arise during the franchise term, assisting with franchise renewal, and buying or selling an existing franchise business. Regardless of the nature of the legal services a prospective or current franchisee requires, Ashley provides high quality representation and counsel with the personalized attention every client deserves.

Ashley invites inquiries from law firms and attorneys who do not focus on franchise law in their practice or have a personal or legal conflict of interest in a franchise matter. She also encourages brokers and other professionals working with a prospective or current franchisee who does not have legal representation to contact her to discuss a referral.

To talk with Ashley Nielsen about a potential referral, please call (919) 335-3815 or use the online contact form.